You are currently browsing the daily archive for March 15, 2010.

Ok so the 50 degree days have made me oh so hopeful for the onset of spring. So I made these papers for you called, Spring Hope. Just to bring a little “springtime” your way.

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The frosting on the cupcakes was green and the flowers just added to our hope that spring is right around the corner. But it is March in Minnesota, and even though we’ve been teased with a few days hovering around 50 degrees and the sight of brown grass that has been buried under a few feet of snow, we all know that winter is not quite done. Friday was a no school day for the kids around here, so Anna joined Ellie and I on our monthly baking outing to the local senior citizen center. We get together to bake treats together almost every month. It’s a fun way to get to know each other as we work side by side. This month it was cupcakes and planting paperwhite bulbs.